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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
image of two people looking at books that are laying on the floor

Rethinking Reading Levels Presentation - 5th Annual Effective Border Schools Conference

Thank you so much for attending the session on Rethinking Reading Levels. 

Our Objectives are: 

  • Define Reading Levels
  • Analyze Spanish text complexity and compare it to English text complexity.
  • Discuss implications for students 

The following links are documents to support your learning and our discussions:


Turn & Talk #1: Pre-Assessment: What is a reading level?

Illustration of two people sitting together at a table, with the following discussion prompt: Pre-assessment: What is a reading level? Turn and talk

Turn & Talk #2: What do you notice about Text Gradient?

Chart titled "Definition of a Text Gradient" explaining what a text gradient is and what it is not, with a prompt to turn and talk about what you noticed.

Turn & Talk #3: What level do you think this book is?

Discussion prompt that says: What reading level do you think this is? It shows a page of a children's book with a large illustration of a monkey, and two lines of rhyming text in Spanish that say: "Toleramos a los otros y no somos insolentes, no golpeamos ni escupimos a quienes son diferentes."

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